Patch Notes for Q3 2022-2023

Major Changes

Google Form Versions of Reading Assessments

Continuing our “Google-fication” of all our Ohio as America 3.0 content, you’ll now find not only our normal post-assessments have Google Form versions, but our reading assessments as well! You can find these in the “Teacher Materials” tab of each chapter. If you like to edit or create your own assessments but want to use ours as a framework, these are an invaluable tool for any teacher regardless of if you’re using Google Classroom.

2 New Virtual Quest Activities!

We’ve also attached two point-and-click adventure games created by our Ohio History Connection staff to Ohio as America! Both of these quests have been available since fall 2022 on our main website, but we’ve now embedded them into our curriculum. You’ll find one under our Section 7.4 titled “Seeking Knowledge: Native People and Ohio” and another under Section 8.3 titled “Ohio Village Virtual Quest”.

In “Seeking Knowledge,” students can visit Ohio-based American Indian sites and learn about the importance of these sites from the mouths of Ohio American Indians. In the “Ohio Village Virtual Quest,” students role-play as an immigrant in a small 1890s village trying to get a job for the summer. Both should help immerse students in Ohio places while teaching them about daily life for American Indian tribes and 19th century immigrant communities across Ohio.

Automatic Captioning for Videos

At Ohio History Connection we’ve been working on making our content as accessible as possible. Accordingly, we’ve implemented automatic closed captions for our hosted video content to supplement our videos that already have captioning. From now on, you can access closed captions in our videos by opening the video and turning on captions in the bottom right of the video toolbar.

Bug Fixing

This quarter we’ve made a larger push to work on formatting and bugfixing across the curriculum. You should find documents to be more uniform, broken links fixed, PDFs restored, and other general changes that help lay the groundwork for a major set of additions coming to the curriculum this summer.

Full Changelog Q1 2023

Google Form Versions of Reading Assessments

Note: Google Form versions of reading assessments can be found on the teacher materials page online that corresponds with the chapter and section number.

All Sections: Added Google form version of the reading assessment.

2 New Virtual Quest Activities!

Note: Teacher materials and individual lesson plans for these virtual quests will be available soon.

7.4: Added the virtual quest “Seeking Knowledge: Native People and Ohio.”

7.4: Moved the previous activity “Where are the Tribes Now?” to Section 10.4.

8.3: Added the virtual quest “Ohio Village Virtual Quest!”

Automatic Captioning for Videos

Note: All 3.0 videos now have closed captioning, which can be enabled on the video’s toolbar in the bottom right corner of the video.

2.2: Added automatic captioning for “Media Literacy: Presented by OSU.”

5.2: Added automatic captioning for “The Truth About the Declaration of Independence.”

7.3: Added automatic captioning for “The Battle of Lake Erie: Presented by OSU.”

8.3: Added automatic captioning for “The Immigration Experience: Presented by OSU.”

9.4: Added automatic captioning for “Ulysses S. Grant Answers the Internet’s Most Searched Questions.”

10.1: Added automatic captioning for “Ohio’s Environment: Presented by OSU.”

10.3: Added automatic captioning for “Ohio’s Economy: Presented by OSU.”

Bug Fixing

1.1: Fixed grammatical errors in the reading.

1.2: Fixed grammatical errors in “Famous Ohioans Trading Cards”

6.1: Added the missing 6.1 Assessment Answer Key.

6.2: Fixed the caption for J.D. Vance’s photograph.

6.3: Added the missing 6.3 “Roleplay the Supreme Court” answer key.

6.4: Added the missing 6.4 audio recording.

7.4: Added the missing 7.4 audio recording.

9.2: Fixed erroneous text in the drop down menu.


Patch Notes for Q2 2022-2023

Major Changes

Trigger Warnings

At OHC we don’t shy away from difficult or controversial subjects in social studies. However, in our current political climate teachers are feeling less equipped to navigate these tricky subjects. Based on your direct feedback, we’ve begun a few initiatives that will continue to grow this year. Last quarter we introduced the Star Armada Archivist Academy, a mini-lesson designed to teach students how historians handle difficult history and controversial subjects through a science fiction lens.

In Q1 2023 you will now find trigger warnings included in teacher lesson plans for subjects that deal with interpersonal or wartime violence, slavery, ethnocentrism, and other delicate subjects. Use them in your planning to decide how to approach lessons that may be uncomfortable or difficult for your students.

Updated Glossary

We’ve been working over the past year to get our virtual glossary up to the quality we strive for. We’ve finally implemented a new glossary that will accurately identify words where they’re found in the PDF readings rather than at their first use on the webpage. If you are using our webpage for student readings, you'll now be able to hover over glossary words again to see the definition.

Phonetic Updates, Chapters 6-10

Here at OHC we believe in interdisciplinary learning and statistically proven strategies to approaching reading. While our readings fall into the average Lexile Levels for 4th grade (445L-810L), we know that students coming out of the pandemic are, on average, behind by half a year’s worth of instruction. While our Immersive Reader is a fantastic tool for helping students catch up on reading, there are improvements we want to make to make each reading easier without compromising content quality.

As such, you’ll now find phonetic spellings for some words now in both PDF and online student readings. These words are chosen based off the average 4th grader’s vocabulary, taken from the internationally used CEFR English Level scale, and average about 20 words per reading and are scaffolded off each other. They should help your student to pronounce longer, more complicated, or rarer words in our readings. The first set of these were created in Q4 2022 for Chapters 1-5. For Q1 2023 we have completed Chapters 6-10. Going forward, we will continue to monitor feedback related to readings to see if we need to institute more scaffolding for students.

American Indian Content Update Chapters 6-10

At OHC we strive to correct the interpretations of the past when they don’t line up with the needs of our present communities. One of these groups we work closely with is our American Indian partners. The Myaamia Center at Miami University has graciously reviewed our curriculum and added suggestions for us to help make our American Indian content as inclusive and accurate as possible. The first of these changes were implemented for Chapters 3-4 in Q4 2022. In Q1 2023 we have updated Chapters 7-8 based on the Myaamia Center's feedback. We thank the Myaamia Center and the Miami Nation for helping to improve our curriculum and bring American Indian history back to the center of Ohio history!

Virtual Guided Student Notes, Chapters 6-10

We heard you like virtual worksheets, so we made more virtual worksheets for your classroom! Our guided student notes now have a virtual version attached to every student reading, created in the style of our virtual worksheets using Google Suite products.

General Changes

As always, we continue to go back through the curriculum and correct any spelling, grammar, formatting, or content issues. Based off your suggestions and feedback, as well as errors found by our team, we’ve been making numerous changes. You should find less broken links, spelling or grammar errors, and formatting quirks.

Full Changelog Q1 2023

Trigger Warnings

Note: All trigger warnings can be found on page 1 of the lesson plan that corresponds to the section.

  • 2.1: Added trigger warning for physical punishment.
  • 3.3: Added trigger warning for wartime violence and disease.
  • 4.3: Added trigger warning for violence.
  • 5.3: Added trigger warnings for violence and atrocities.
  • 7.1: Added trigger warnings for general peril and violence.
  • 7.2: Added trigger warnings for violence and atrocities.
  • 7.4: Added trigger warning for atrocities.
  • 8.3: Added trigger warnings for ethnocentrism and racism.
  • 9.1: Added trigger warnings for slavery, racism, and atrocities.
  • 9.2: Added trigger warnings for slavery, racism, and atrocities.
  • 9.3: Added trigger warnings for slavery.
  • 9.4: Added trigger warnings for slavery and wartime violence.

Updated Glossary

  • The online glossary has been re-implemented to highlight glossary words within the text that correspond to the PDF reading glossary highlights. If you are using the readings online, your students can now hover over the highlighted word to see the definition of the word as listed in the glossary

Note: There is currently a bug where hovering over the word will shift the reading down a single line. We intend to fix this in a future update; it should not impact day-to-day classroom instruction.

Phonetic Updates, Chapters 6-10

Note: Phonetic spellings can be found in student readings, both online and PDF, after the corresponding word. Words have been chosen based off the CEFR scale and compared with the Lexile bands for 4th grade. Priority has been given to multi-syllabic (3+ syllable) words, proper nouns, and unintuitive pronunciations.

  • 6.1: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- continental, veteran, rebellion, unpaid, volunteers, wounded, silently, revolutionary, constitution, convention, amend, collapse, structured, treaties, crunched, storage.
  • 6.2: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- executive, balances, responded, gasps, behavior, gulped, judicial, misdemeanor, respondent, stiffened, assigned, legislative, process, favor, commander, vice, enforces, interpret, cabinet, veto.
  • 6.3: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- literary, expression, banned, amendment, garbage, humor, poked, satire, contains, property, illegal, assembly, overruled, petition, threatening, opinion, sue, complicated, censored.
  • 6.4: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- career, council, impacted, eventually, accomplishment, Reynoldsburg, similarly, debt, affect, organized, pharmacists, divorces, criminal, DeWine, Husted, lieutenant, postal, townships, specifically, agencies.
  • 7.1: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- shuddering, exceeds, abundance, Buell, fretted, frigid, Marietta, smirked, breathed, permanently, acre, mandated, Minnesota, ordinance, devoted, associate, appointed, Connecticut, sergeant.
  • 7.2: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- frowned, bosom, Tecumseh, Vincennes, tomahawks, translated, boundary, encroaching, Piankeshaw, distingish, disagreement, revenge, Wabash, assimilate, Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Tenskwatawa, resistance, timber, prophet.
  • 7.3: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- disastrous, anthem, Chesapeake, climax, fluttering, spangled, hazard, conquer, Meigs, disguised, pressured, invasion, negotiating, soared, ashore, launched, territories, formally, Toronto.
  • 7.4: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- Choctaw, Potawatomi, Logansport, rudely, relocated, forcibly, process, reservations, barren, starvation, multiplied, Ottawas, Peorias, Kickapoo, Seneca, squatted, revive, soil, eke, wampum.
  • 8.1: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- trudged, correspondence, knapsack, Clements, sighed, elevation, technologies, advantage, industrial, upstream, Kalamazoo, Cumberland, Potomac, Vandalia, converted, founded, interstate, Zanesville, paved, Sandusky.
  • 8.2: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- huddled, jolly, Poland, clutched, liberty, fashionable, statue, famine, machinists, carpenters, specialty, tailor, contributions, cholera, crammed, persecution, segregation, typhus, emphasize.
  • 8.3: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- heritage, discrimination, carriage, propped, societies, Akron, textile, trenches, verbally, pastries, diversity, dedicated, descendants, rioted, stance, wielded, cuisine, nativism, pierogis, sauerkraut.
  • 9.1: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- Agnes, enslaved, squinted, plantations, uncomfortable, prejudice, benefited, processed, dedicated, tobacco, chattel, yeomen, extreme, separated, automatically, populous, sugarcane, forcibly.
  • 9.2: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- abomination, furrowed, Hiram, Negros, scowled, interrupted, advocated, reform, temperance, Westerville, complex, disabilities, abolitionism, Sojourner, Stowe, assisted, religious, Sumner, ballots.
  • 9.3: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- swampy, Elias, basements, shivered, hideaways, escorted, fugitive, formally, Abraham, confederate, Rankin, revolved, secede, spirituality, official, Zandt, conductors, abolish, Sumter.
  • 9.4: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- rally, retreat, bugle, Chaffin, Powhatan, Beaty, huzzah, punctured, suicide, twirl, Antietam, emancipation, Sheridan, submarines, deadlier, comparison, descendants, consequences, surrendered, commendation.
  • 10.1: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- Cuyahoga, Maumee, pollutants, manure, undrinkable, disappears, crisscrossed, multiplied, Steubenville, carbon dioxide, droughts, unlivable, conservation, toxic, Paulding, extinction, nuclear, endangered.
  • 10.2: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- coordinator, congressional, gerrymandering, unconstitutional, lobby, scheduled, horizon, minorities, progressive, organization, bellwether, coronavirus, pandemic, polarization, interference, fraud, disinformation, Republican, Democratic.
  • 10.3: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- Wengerd, Afghanistan, Mali, Ghana, Amish, apprenticeship, farmsteads, convention, ambassadors, specialize, restricted, swapped, gamble, Proctor, Rockefeller, flexible, artificial, automation, shrunk, intelligence.
  • 10.4: Added phonetic spellings for the following words -- inhabit, allegiance, Ibrahim, naturalization, Somalia, anxiously, congratulate, commute, Philippines, concessions, heritage, whether, passions, Reynoldsburg, Adalla, sausages, Livingston, challenges.

American Indian Content Update Chapters 6-10

Note: Virtual worksheets and guided student notes for changes below have not been updated in this Q2 update and will be fixed in the Q3 update. If you are using virtual worksheets in conjunction with PDF versions in your classroom expect there to be differences between the two versions. PDF worksheets have been updated with the new American Indian content in mind.

  • Chapter 7 Glossary - Rewrote the definitions for townships, Northwest Ordinance, Northwest Territory, American Indian Wars, Assimilate, Battle for New Orleans, and Indian Removal Act to be more accurate to history, fix errors, or be inclusive.
  • 7.1 Reading and Reading Assessment - Rewrote sections of the reading to clarify intentions of settlers and distinguish between American citizens and American Indians in the Northwest Territory.
  • 7.1 PowerPoint: Rewrote slides in conjunction with reading and fixed an error with a caption.
  • 7.1 Northwest Territory Student Worksheet: Clarified that Delaware refers to the state, not the tribe, in this activity.
  • 7.1 Northwest Territory Auction Worksheet: Replaced use of "colonist" with "settlers."
  • 7.2 Reading and Reading Assessment: Rewrote sections to clarify U.S. intentions and American Indian responses and to correct some historical inaccuracies.
  • 7.2 PowerPoint: Rewrote slides in conjunction with reading and rewrote some of the teacher notes.
  • 7.2 Tecumseh News Interview: Rewrote sections to add more complexity to the assignment, clarify historical language around the War of 1812 and William Henry Harrison.
  • 7.2 Indian Wars Comic: Rewrote paragraphs on Harmar's defeat and St. Clair's Defeat to add hisorical nuance to text.
  • 7.3 Reading: Rewrote sections on Canada and Treaty of Ghent to correct historical inaccuracte language and add nuance to Canada's claims.
  • 7.4 Reading and Reading Assessment: Rewrote sections on assimilation, tribal nations, American Indian settlements, and reservations to correct inaccuracies.
  • 7.4 Indian Reservation Matching Game: Renamed to "Where are the Tribes Today?"
  • 7.4 PowerPoint: Rewrote slides to clarify tribes represented, re-define assimilation, and added a modern map to slides.
  • 7.4 Primary Sources and Maps: Added a modern map of reservations in the United States.
  • Chapter 10 Glossary: Redefined Indian reservation and replaced melting pot with multicultural.
  • 10.1 Reading: Corrected grammar mistakes and subtitle heading to match the correct reading.
  • 10.1 PowerPoint: Rewrote teacher notes and rephrased section on American Indians.
  • 10.4 Reading: Replaced melting pot with multicultural, rewrote paragraph on American Indians.

Virtual Guided Student Notes, Chapters 6-10

Note: Virtual guided student notes can be found on the student reading page online that corresponds with the section number.

  • 6.1: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 6.2: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 6.3: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 6.4: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 7.1: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 7.2: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 7.3: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 7.4: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 8.1: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 8.2: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 8.3: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 9.1: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 9.2: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 9.3: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 9.4: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 10.1: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 10.2: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 10.3: Added virtual version of guided student notes.
  • 10.4: Added virtual version of guided student notes.

General Changes

  • 6.2: Added new photographs and descriptions for Senator J.D. Vance. These photos can be found in the PowerPoints and the primary sources and maps page. Removed mentions of Senator Rob Portman.
  • 6.4: Added new photographs and descriptions for Senator J.D. Vance. These photos can be found in the PowerPoints and the primary sources and maps page. Removed mentions of Senator Rob Portman.
  • 7.2: Reformatted paragraphs in the online student reading to fix margin space.
  • 7.3: Rewrote the 7.3 guided student notes.

9.3: Fixed the link for the PDF version of the Underground Railroad Escape Room Exit Slip.